Landscape >Statement
古い駅舎のある風景 Landscape with the old train station building
2020, oil on photograph, 30.2×44.7cm
個人蔵|Private Collection
ミュージアムのある風景 Landscape with the Museum
2020, oil on photograph, 20×30cm (each), 3-piece
作家蔵|Collection of the Artist
古代建築のパノラマ Panorama of Ancient architecture
2019, oil on photograph, 30.2×91cm | photo: Kenji Kagawa
茅ヶ崎市美術館蔵 | Chigasaki City Museum of Art
遺跡と落書きのある風景 Landscape with Remains and Graffiti
2019, oil on photograph, 30.2×44.7cm (each), 2-piece | photo: Kenji Kagawa
ミュージアムと自転車のある風景 Landscape with the Museum and Bicycles
2019, oil on photograph, 30.2×44.7cm | photo: Kenji Kagawa
高台と市街地 Hill and Urban areas
2019, oil on photograph, 30.2×44.7cm
遺跡と犬のいる風景 Landscape with Remains and a Dog
古代建築と犬のいる風景 Landscape with the Ancient architecture and a Dog
鳥のいる広場 Square with a Bird
階段と窓のある建築空間 Architectural space with stairs and windows
2019, oil on photograph, 44.7×30.2cm
階段と吹き抜けのある建築空間 Architectural space with stairs and atrium
大聖堂のある風景 Landscape with the Cathedral
2019, oil on photograph, 44.7×30.2cm | photo: Kenji Kagawa
石垣のある風景 Landscape with the Castle's stone wall
丘の上に遺跡がある風景 Landscape with Remains on the Hill
遺跡のある風景 Landscape with Ruins
広場 Square
小さな橋のある風景 Landscape with a Small Bridge
2018, oil on photograph, 17.8×12.7cm
古い噴水のある広場 A plaza with a Old Fountain
2018, oil on photograph, 12.7×17.8cm
橋とゴンドラのある風景 Landscape with a Bridge and Gondola
大聖堂とミュージアムのある風景 Landscape with the Cathedral and the Museum
大聖堂 Cathedral
2017, oil on photograph, 17.8×12.7cm
夜#2 Night scene #2
2017, oil on photograph, 12.2×12.2cm